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The Liberal government survives – for now

The Liberal government survived its first confidence vote Wednesday, when the Bloc Québécois and the NDP decided to offer Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a lifeline. The Bloc’s demand are clear — the protection of supply management for poultry, eggs and dairy and more generous pension payments for seniors aged 65 to 74. The NDP’s less so. But, regardless, both parties concluded an election with Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre leading in the polls is more dangerous to them now than cooperation with the Grits.
This week on “It’s Political” we’ll unpack what the parties need to do in the next few weeks and months to accomplish their own goals, with a panel of political strategists.
Then we’ll hear from pollsters about what the landscape looks like, how it has shifted and where the opportunities lie.
And finally, we’ll sit down with former Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe to discuss the party’s new position as the Liberals’ dance partner, what it could mean for sovereignty and what more the Bloc hopes to extract.
Some of the clips you heard on this week were sourced from the Canadian Press Gallery, CPAC, the House of Commons, and the CBC.
In this episode: Crestview Strategy Partner Ginny Roth, Syntax Strategic Principal George Soule, Canada 2020 President and CEO Braeden Caley, Abacus Data founder and CEO David Coletto, Leger Marketing Executive Vice President for Eastern Canada Sébastien Dallaire, Former Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe, and Toronto Star Ottawa Bureau Reporter Mark Ramzy. 
This episode of “It’s Political” was produced by Althia Raj and Kevin Sexton. Matt Hearn is our sound engineer. Our theme music is by Isaac Joel.
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